
Covid in Chicago
The State of Teen Mental Health During COVID-19 in America: a 4‑H and Harris Poll Youth Mental Health Survey

An issue that is becoming increasingly prevalent yet often overlooked is the mental health of teens and young adults, including Chicago and the USA as a whole. To delve deeper into this topic, the National 4‑H Council enlisted the help of The Harris Poll to conduct a survey. The study targeted over 1,500 adolescents aged 13-19 from diverse backgrounds across the entire United States.

It aimed to uncover insights into how resilience (bouncing back from challenges) plays a role in mental well-being. The survey gathered perspectives from young individuals regarding the current state of mental health issues within their local communities and the nation as a whole. The study survey was conducted online for ten days, specifically from May 4 to May 14, 2020.

The Study survey finding

It was approximated that 81% of the respondents, who were all teenagers, had expressed their concern about mental health challenges. 64%  of these respondents firmly believed that the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 had a lasting effect on many teen’s mental well-being. Moreover, amidst the previous pandemic of COVID, a vast majority of seven out of ten teenagers reported facing difficulties and challenges related to mental health.

Speaking of teenage experiences, a significant portion of 55% have reported encountering anxiety, while 45% have experienced excessive stress, and 43% have faced depression. Isolation and loneliness also became a major concern for 61% of teenagers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the Pandemic, 75% of teenagers stated that they spent a significant portion of their day engaged with electronic devices. Not to mention, 82% of young adults are urging for a more transparent and sincere conversation about mental well-being in the United States.

Lastly, a staggering 79% of teenagers expressed the need for an all-inclusive and supportive environment within school settings to discuss mental health-related concerns openly.


Looking at the study results, there’s a growing need to prioritize and address mental health issues among teenagers in America. And this is just a small glimpse of the larger picture, as there are many other uncovered mental health challenges faced by young adults, including bullying, suicidal ideation, and neurological disorders.

Another study also recently highlighted the bullying that is directed at Autistic teenagers in the United States. Most ASD children report a sense of feeling unsafe while attending school. It’s a concerning issue because School is a place where every child should be able to feel safe and secure; however, for ASD children, this is not always the case.

It’s worth noting that Teenagers are at a critical developmental stage where they are learning how to navigate their emotions and cope with stress and challenges. A more structured approach towards addressing mental health in schools and society as a whole is essential.

For Autism Treatment and support, we at Ilinois Autism Center, offer the best services to help children and their families thrive daily. If you need a support system for you or your child, we are here to help.