ABA Assessments

ABA Therapy Placement Evaluation in Chicago

Our commitment to individualized care involves a comprehensive ABA assessment – an important step designed to evaluate a child’s current abilities, identify areas of need, and understand unique challenges.

ABA Assessments can only begin once an official diagnosis has been provided by an authorized clinician. These assessments are typically funded by insurance, which often requires the diagnosis to authorize the necessary assessment hours.

ABA therapy assessment in Las Vegas

The data gathered from these assessments form the basis for creating personalized ABA therapy programs that meet each child’s specific needs.

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What's Involved in the ABA Assessment

Our team of Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) conducts the ABA assessment by thoroughly examining your child’s behaviors and skills across various settings.

The evaluation may be conducted within our clinic in Chicago or your child’s school to provide a well-rounded understanding of their behavior and skills.

Tools Used in the ABA Assessment

There are several types of assessments available, each tailored to the specific needs of the individual being assessed. Some examples of assessments include:

The assessing clinician will evaluate what assessment fits best with your child’s needs to help guide future treatment planning and provide the most optimal services for the child.          


Upon concluding the assessment, our BCBAs analyze the data to identify your child’s strengths and areas requiring intervention.

This review forms the basis for our custom ABA therapy programs designed to cultivate specific skills.

The Role of Parents and Caregivers

Caregivers and parents play a fundamental role in our ABA assessment process.

Your insights about your child’s daily routines and challenges help us construct ABA programs targeting functional and meaningful skills that fit your family.

Chicago BCBA conducting ABA therapy assessment
Post-Assessment: What's Next?

Our team analyzes the data to identify areas that would benefit from specialized attention. This forms the blueprint for a personalized ABA therapy program in Chicago.

If you need help with accessing an assessment for your child, we’re just a phone call away. We are committed to being your steadfast support throughout this expedition of understanding, growth, and enhanced life quality.

For consultation or more details, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to make this journey less daunting and more enriching for both your child and you.